Should you bring your young puppy to puppy yoga?

While puppy yoga might seem like an adorable and fun activity, there are several reasons why small puppies should not participate in this kind of event. Here are a few:

  1. Fragile bones and joints: Small puppies, especially those under six months of age, have delicate bones and joints that are still developing.

  2. Overstimulation and stress: Puppy yoga classes can be crowded and filled with unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells. Small puppies may easily become overwhelmed and stressed in such environments, which can negatively impact their mental well-being. It's essential to prioritize their comfort and provide them with calm and quiet surroundings during their early developmental stages.

  3. Limited attention span: Puppies, especially small ones, have short attention spans and may struggle to follow instructions during a yoga session. They might become easily distracted or restless, making it challenging to maintain a focused and safe environment for both the puppies and participants.

  4. Risk of accidents: Puppies, especially when they are small and energetic, can be unpredictable and may lack the coordination necessary to participate in group activities. They might unintentionally scratch or bite participants, potentially causing harm. Additionally, their small size makes them more vulnerable to accidental injuries if they are accidentally stepped on or tripped over during the yoga session.

  5. Lack of control: Puppies are naturally playful and curious, and it can be challenging to control their behavior in a group setting. They may be prone to running off, chewing on objects, or engaging in rough play, which can disrupt the yoga session and pose a risk to themselves and others.

Given these reasons, it's generally recommended to wait until puppies are older and have developed stronger bones, joints, and better impulse control before introducing them to activities like puppy yoga. It's crucial to prioritize their health, safety, and overall well-being during their early stages of life. Even it seems a fun cuddle time for you, it might not be beneficial for the little creatures. Pets yoga is a highly inregulated industry and each case needs to be looked into to determine if the environment is case for the puppies.

Pets yoga in Prague is one of the new initiatives and the authors of this article are doing the research to try to see whether it’s really safe and good for the dogs.


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